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Computerways, The 8-Dimension Computer Company

Our 8-Dimensions

Computerways Ltd prides itself in being the most respected ICT Company when it comes to our
approach to handling our clients. This forms part of our pillars of strength which we call our 8 dimensions

1. Survey / Request

This is the most premier part of any transaction and we term it as most important to us
since this is where we identify opportunity to provide for. It’s the point where the Client
and We make contact for the first time.
Regardless of whether it’s our sales team that approached the need or the need that came
to us (In this regard the Client), Computerways Ltd always ensures to seize this opportunity and
engage the client to identify their needs.

2. Evaluation

With all the details and data collected from the Client, the Computerways Team can sit down and
access the requirements with the best solution that will best suit the Clients needs. Determination
of final product or service to the client shall depend on,:
• Research from relevant teams
• Compatibility of solution with existing infrastructure
• Client end usage requirement
• Availability and reliability of solution
• Outstanding customer support
• Pricing factor
After these factors are put into consideration, we conclude on final remedy which is complete
after the next step.

3. Presentation / Proposal

The third Dimension is about putting the Client into the status of the solution which involves a
demo that which would be either verbal, written, video or a technical presentation. During this,
the Client can engage the Computerways team with queries and clarifications. Also this is the
chance to modify the solution or customize it to the customer preference. The next dimension is
Computerways, The 8-Dimension Computer Company…
partly connected to this and can either follow immediately or a later date.

4. Agreement / Negotiations

On this crucial stage is where a conclusion on the particular solution to be implemented is chosen.
Financial implication is laid on the table and discussed in regards to choice if solutions are more
than one.
Payment duration is agreed upon acceptance of the Computerways proposal. We do offer credit
terms with respect to the transaction specifics. There is always a round table negotiation platform
on total costs and delivery period. Also this shall include any after sale agreement e.g after sale
service, service maintenance, warranties e.t.c.
When this is presented in proper writing, then the next step of the dimensions can be executed.

5. Procurement / Fabrication

Upon receipt of written acceptance of terms of delivery and payment, Computerways is only but
obliged to begin the process of acquiring if not fabricating the proposed solution into a tangible
This is as a well a vital stage because all that was proposed has to be put into reality and must be
in a functional state. All standards are duly observed to ensure solution is of certified level/ status.
After achieving the final status within scope of works, test runs are done to ensure the (to be
delivered) solution is of sound nature.

6. Delivery / Installation

With respect to dimension Four where terms and conditions are deemed to apply,
implementation of the solution at the end usage point shall be delivered accordingly. At this stage
mainly the technical team is fully involved and will load full bars to deliver service above bar and
within the stipulated time. Access to site is granted in liaisons between site manager and Client.
Delivery is less precise for confirmation but for the installation solutions, details have to be deeply
scrutinized to avoid malfunctions, delayed handovers and material wastage. This is done openly in
Computerways, The 8-Dimension Computer Company…
the client’s clear line of sight for ease of monitoring and rectification.
After completion of the respective task then we strategically move to the next dimension.

7. Testing & Training

During this period, attention is paid to detail by the client or the client’s personnel. As the testing
of final performance of the solution takes place, Computerways personnel shall equip the Client
and their associates with knowledge on using and troubleshooting the system solutions. This is the
final stage of implementation before the handover is actually done.
Rectifications of the final stature are done. And through the Clients satisfaction, the project is
deemed complete. Note that this can continue as the Client undertakes his daily routines as
testing are well done during the real task operations.

8. Commissioning & Handover

Handing over is vital as it is the official time that solution is termed as successful.
Commissioning is done on writing to confirm that all is per stated proposal and if there are any
changes, then they are documented and asserted to.
At this juncture, certificates of completion are issued and financial compensation can begin being